After surviving an apocalyptic event, the remains of human civilization are in disarray. In this dystopian world run by a corrupt and murderous government, a resistance group is ready to stand up for the people. Will they succeed in overthrowing? These evil autocrats? Join the battle to face the strongest fighters in this post-apocalyptic world as they are destined to clash in a long journey to victory.
A Colorful Cast
Select from 14 unique playable fighters and play against 3 hidden bosses.
Full Story Mode
Dive into the world of Blazing Strike with extensive story cutscenes, dialogue, missions, and fights.
Human vs Al
Train your Persona AI to mimic your fighting style. With trained Persona AI, players can fight a CPU that plays like them, or even have their AI fight online against others.
Worldwide Proving Grounds
Play online matches against fighters from around the globe with zero network delay, thanks to GGPO.
What’s Included
Full-color art book
Double CD soundtrack
Set of collectible character cards featuring the roster